
The Theodore Roosevelt Gibson Memorial Fund, Inc. (TRGMF) was formed and incorporated in 1983 to unify and bridge gaps between diverse groups within the local Coconut Grove, greater Miami-Dade and South Florida communities.  This 33 year-old organization was founded in memory of the late Reverend Canon Theodore R. Gibson, the first black commissioners in the City of Miami and a well-recognized and outstanding civil rights leader in the 1960’s.

The TRGMF offers services in the following areas:

  • Community Services (Coconut Grove Historical Museum)
  • Housing (Elderly)
  • Youth Educational Services

The Theodore Roosevelt Gibson Memorial fund is a long-standing organization in Miami-Dade County that is well respected and widely known.  We currently receive or have received funding from the following organizations to name a few: State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs, University of Miami, The Children’s Trust, Elderly Services, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, City of Miami, City of South Miami and Miami-Dade County.